Site Supervision Safety Training Scheme – Refresher


LONDON & BIRMINGHAM: This is a classroom course in one of our academies facilitating face to face interactive learning.

Note: The minimum age of attendance for this course is 16 years old, however delegates who are under the age of 18 must bring a completed parental consent form to the first day of the training course.


The refresher course is only for delegates who have previously passed the two-day Site supervision safety training scheme (SSSTS) course and can provide proof of successful attendance.

Delegates with expired certificates are required to complete the full 2 day Site Supervision Safety Scheme.

Delegates should hold, or be about to hold, the role of a supervisor.

Delegates must be competent in English at site supervisor level.


This is a one-day course. Delegates are required to complete the full course (7.5 hours) to be eligible for certification.

Course times: Usually 8.45am start. Course times will be confirmed in the joining instructions once the course has been booked.


This course aims to help supervisors to:

  • Supervise health and safety on site in accordance with current legal provisions and within the context of their role
  • Develop an understanding of responsibility and accountability for site health, safety and wel-fare of workers on site
  • Recognise that a safe site is efficient, economical, productive and environmentally friendly

By the end of the course, delegates will be able to:

  • Understand the problems of the industry
  • Have an understanding of how health and safety law is structured and how it applies to su-pervisors
  • Identify how their role fits in with the management structure in controlling site safety
  • Carry out risk assessments and understand the need for method statements
  • Carry out effective site inductions, toolbox talks and method statement briefings
  • Monitor site activities effectively
  • Understand the importance of timely intervention when bad practice is identified.

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Delegates taking the SSSTS Refresher course will have an overview of the learning outcomes listed below:

Module 1

  • Health and safety law
  • Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM)
  • Health and safety management systems
  • Risk assessments and method statements
  • Statutory inspections and checks
  • Reporting accidents, injuries and ill health
  • Leadership and worker engagement

Module 2

  • Health and welfare of the workforce
  • First aid and emergency procedures
  • Hazardous substances
  • Asbestos
  • Dust and fumes
  • Noise and vibration
  • Manual Handling

Module 3

  • Site set up and security
  • Fire prevention and control
  • Electricity
  • Plant and work equipment
  • Lifting operations and lifting equipment

Module 4

  • Working at height
  • Excavations
  • Underground and overhead services
  • Confined spaces
  • Temporary works

Module 5

  • Environmental awareness
  • Pollution
  • Waste materials
  • Nuisance

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This industry-leading one-day refresher course is specifically designed for delegates who have successfully completed the two-day Site Supervision Safety Training Scheme (SSSTS) course and can provide evidence of attendance. The programme focuses on updating health and safety knowledge and provides a comprehensive overview of legislative changes and their workplace impact.

This course aims to bring health and safety knowledge up-to-date, as well as giving a thorough overview of the legislative changes and their impact in the workplace. The course includes a wide range of topics which have been affected by changes to procedures, and builds upon the material in the original course.

Additional Attendee Information:

  • Please inform us if you have any serious health issues, physical problems or are taking any medication which may create difficulties in undertaking elements of this training course
  • For online courses, the content will be remotely delivered by a tutor in a virtual online classroom and you must have access to a suitable PC, laptop or tablet with a robust high-speed internet connection sufficient to cope with online delivery.
  • You will also need a suitably sized quiet room where they can carry out the course without interruptions
  • Identification will be checked prior to starting the course and the examination
  • The examination will be carried out using an online examination tool (Classmarker or Microsoft Forms) and will be subject to online video invigilation.
  • Delegates who do not complete the full tuition time will not be issued with a certificate and will be charged in full
  • Failure to meet any of these site requirements will result in the course being cancelled and charged in full
  • All prices shown are subject to VAT
  • The training grant aid is provided in accordance with the current CITB grants scheme
  • Employers are able to claim grants if they have sent a Levy Return to CITB by 30th November each year (where applicable).
  • You will complete an induction prior to starting the course

Would you prefer onsite training?

Bring our programmes to your premises, DSG Academy offer dedicated training tailored to meet the specific needs of your employees or workers. This course can be conveniently delivered art your site.

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Online classroom-based tutorials will complement group discussions, exercises, and case studies, with an additional component of home study for delegates to fulfil

Delegates will be continuously assessed during the course in preparation for the final exam-ination, and must pass:

  • The mandatory final examination paper which consists of 25 questions selected by CITB, covering all aspects of the course. There are four safety critical questions in each exam pa-per, the delegate must answer all four of these questions correctly to pass the exam. The examination pass mark is 80%
  • The trainer review demonstrating engagement, collaborative working and listening skills – key elements of becoming a supervisor

Reisits: Where the delegate has achieved 70-77% can be taken on the same day or within 90 days. Should a delegate fail the re-sit, they will be offered to take the SSSTS-R course again.

Scores less than 67% (20 correct answers out of 30) in the final examination, the delegate must attend the full SSSTS-R course again before they are allowed to re-sit the examination and full course fee will apply.


Delegates successfully completing the course will receive a CITB Site Supervision Safety Training Scheme (SSSTS) certificate valid for five years.

Please note, CITB no longer produce physical certificates, all certificates are produced digitally and sent to DSG Academy within 28 working days of the end of the course, and will then be sent to the delegate.

Would you prefer onsite training?

Bring our programmes to your premises, DSG Academy offer dedicated training tailored to meet the specific needs of your employees or workers. This course can be conveniently delivered art your site.

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DSG Academy is an Approved Training Organisation (ATO) with CITB, allowing employers to claim grants for completing training on our registered courses.

The CITB levy and grants scheme has been introduced to ensure the UK construction industry has the skilled workforce that it needs; providing grants for employers to train their workers. This helps to maintain health & safety standards on construction sites, keeping the right skills available for the industry to grow.

In turn this will allow projects to be completed on time and within budget, in a safe and sustainable manner.

Would you prefer onsite training?

Bring our programmes to your premises, DSG Academy offer dedicated training tailored to meet the specific needs of your employees or workers. This course can be conveniently delivered art your site.

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